- Confident communicators who love the English language
- To provide English Language learning experiences that allow students to communicate confidently and respectfully and grow their love for the language
Learning Outcomes
Students who have a strong foundation in the English Language
Students who can communicate clearly, confidently and graciously
- In order for Eliasians to learn and use language appropriately and meaningfully in a variety of contexts, we place great emphasis on the language learning experience.
Strategies for Teaching English Language Learning And Reading (STELLAR) is our main approach for the learning of the English Language and we provide the following in the learning experiences we plan and deliver leveraging STELLAR:
a focus on the enjoyment of the language even as students learn the metalanguage and the grammatical items associated with it;
exposing Eliasians to a wide variety of multimodal texts for reading, listening and viewing;
development of critical thinking skills that encourage Eliasians to make connections between texts and the prior knowledge/experiences; and
opportunities for Eliasians to communicate for different purposes to demonstrate their confident and purposeful use of the language.

Leveraging the STELLAR texts, every unit involves the students reading for enjoyment and understanding, sharing their views and ideas in relation to what they have read (speaking), listening to the views shared by others and writing to express their thoughts and creativity. The Reading – Writing Connection is emphasised as Eliasians draw on what they read, both the ideas from stories as well as the language used to communicate those ideas, to produce texts of their own.

In alignment with our department vision and mission, we have put in place a variety of programmes to bring this vision and mission to fruition.