Character Development
CCE Lessons
The MOE Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) syllabus aims to inculcate values and build social and emotional competencies in students. This in turn is to develop them into good individuals and useful citizens in a fast changing and globalised world. It develops students through an understanding of the values that define the Singapore society, inspiring them to show concern about the world they live in, and demonstrate empathy in their relationships with others.
In EPPS, CCE lessons are delivered in the Mother Tongue Languages to all our Primary 1 to 6 students.
Form Teacher Guidance Period
In EPPS, our Form Teachers conduct the FTGP with their respective classes once every week. The protected weekly 60-minute period of FTGP for Primary 1 and 2 students, and 30-minute of FTGP for our Primary 3 to 6 students allow our Form Teachers to better understand their students, build positive relationships with them and at the same time impart to them important life skills.
Sexuality Education
In EPPS, our specially selected, MOE-trained Sexuality Education (SEd) teachers conduct the SEd programme for our Primary 5 and 6 students. Through the SEd programme, we aim to enable our students to understand the physical, social and emotional changes they will experience as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters in their growing up years.
Please click here to access the Sexuality Education webpage.
Elias Peaks Student Recognition Framework
In EPPS, student recognition is holistic and inclusive, with emphasis on reinforcement of desired behaviours through regular affirmation. The 'Elias Peaks' is a platform that recognizes all Eliasians who demonstrate behaviour as depicted in the school’s Core Values of Endeavour, Love, Integrity, Adaptability and Service (ELIAS). The Elias Peaks provides affirmation to students at both individual and class levels, with the monthly Best Student Awards with nominations from peers forming the first level. Awards are given at each month, term, semester and annual time frames, with those given at Honours Day, and MOE Edusave Awards such as ECHA and EAGLES forming the highest award levels. This continual effort aims to nurture their character growth and help to socialize them into morally upright individuals.

Character in Action@EPPS
EPPS promotes a whole-child model for character development in her students. All three domains of moral knowing, feeling and action of a child are engaged in the planning for effective character and citizenship development of Eliasians.
Complementing and supporting the curricula of the MOE Character and Citizenship Education (CCE), the guidance modules (i.e. Cyber Wellness, Sexuality Education and Education and Career Guidance) and the Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP) which allow teachers to focus more on teaching moral knowing and feeling based on the fundamental progressive needs of students, EPPS has the Character In Action @ EPPS. This programme anchors on National Education (NE), a niche area of the school, to broaden Eliasians’ perspectives through events linked to the NE messages, and evoke and/or deepen their thoughts and feelings on issues pertaining to the MOE CCE core values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care and Harmony (R3ICH) to which the school’s core values (Excellence, Love, Integrity, Adaptability, Service) are aligned. In doing so, Character In Action @ EPPS aims to:
• develop the Eliasian Citizen who
- has self and social awareness and management
- is informed about local and world affairs
- knows and loves Singapore
- takes an active role to improve the lives of others around him
• develop the Eliasian Leader who
- has the moral courage to stand up for what is right
- exercises initiatives and takes calculated risks
- is able to cooperate, share and care for others
- takes personal responsibility for his actions and decisions
These are part of the Desired Outcomes of an Eliasian.
Riding on the subject vehicle of NE to surface retrospective events which bond the nation, Character In Action @ EPPS works on impacting the hearts of Eliasians through authentic experiential learning and providing the ethical motivation, competencies and opportunities for their moral action or character performance. Specifically, Character In Action @ EPPS facilitates students’ acquisition and/or reinforcement of key competencies within the social and emotional (SE) domains of Self Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Management and Responsible Decision Making. It also caters for the development of the citizenship competencies under the domain of Civic Literacy, Global Awareness & Cross Cultural Skills (CGC) within the 21st Century Competencies (21CC) framework.
Implementation of the Character In Action @ EPPS is tiered at 2 levels to optimally cater to students’ needs, interests and potential.
Level 1: Broad-Based Development (School-wide)
At Level 1, the Character In Action @ EPPS reaches out to every single Eliasian through two key components of experiential learning, namely the Singapore Heritage @ Elias Park (SH@PE) Alive! experience and the Every Eliasian a Leader (EEL).
SH@PE Alive! Experience
The SH@PE Alive! learning trail aims to stimulate thinking, evoke feelings and provide hands-on practices, so as to engage the head, heart and hands of every individual going on the SH@PE Alive trail. At SH@PE Alive!, students will discover Singapore's humble beginnings and how our nation has grown to what it is today. They will be able to gain insights to our rich heritage, have a feel of our customs and traditions, be connected to the way of life of yesteryears, and appreciate the different cultures that make up Singapore. This is where the various NE messages come alive.
Activities at SH@PE Alive!

Every Eliasian a Leader (EEL)
Working alongside the SH@PE Alive! experience to support the holistic development of Eliasians’ character is the EEL. EEL offers Eliasians different leadership positions to bring out the leader in every child - one with the right values, mindsets and skills to excel in the field he/she chooses to pursue as a future leader of Singapore. With the vast opportunities offered by EEL, every Eliasian can be a leader. The Student Leaders in EPPS include two groups, first being the Core Leaders (e.g. Prefects and Main CCA Leaders) and, second being the Situational Leaders (e.g. Class/ NE/ Go-Green Monitors).
Level 2: Extension and Student Leadership (Scoped Target Group)
At Level 2, the Character In Action @ EPPS extends its reach to Eliasians who have been assessed and identified by teachers to have the added passion in NE and the leadership competencies and/or potential to educate, impact and influence their peers and others in the community on the values of R3ICH and how to live out these values as a nation. These Eliasians who are called SH@PE Guides form a special group of student leaders in EPPS.